

Every time I read or hear of an accident I keep asking about the importance of safety. And that question has been an avalanche of them.
But more often turns out to be relevant: Who is safety important?
And here are many people like business managers, area managers, supervisors of operations and the workers themselves.

Take one by one.

The directors of companies:
Have a legal responsibility to provide a safe environment to prevent the occurrence of accidents. They are those who approve policies dictate the rules to be complied with and give instructions to those who must enforce them in day to day.
Additionally should the resources to ensure that all the above is feasible and the entire organization can practice it. And all must meet the fundamental principle of business: to be profitable in its financial results.
If the financial results are not met for any reason, the manager will direct. And this does not exclude that the results are negative for the damage in a plant, equipment or misfortune of a fate that also costs a lot in economic terms and imaging. Clearly, for a security manager must be important.

The department heads:
They are responsible for the daily events of their business. It is they who are in constant touch with what is happening and should support the director in making the rules and policies are followed properly.
They must manage time and resources for the operation to flow seamlessly, know and follow all the parameters of the operation.
If this does not happen, these leaders do not do the work area. They are basic planning and unscheduled outages are unacceptable. Hence the value of their interest.

Are those in the task. Checking that nothing out of control and that all are coordinated. They are the ones who should make the conditions and actions of people are appropriate for the task. They live and live, are those who look after a good performance.
A flaw in them can derail the plan, and temporarily or permanently lose a worker in charge. Their interest cannot be clearer.

Are those carrying it out; of its work depends the operation, but mostly for themselves and their own integrity.
Estadísiticamente, the workers who suffer more accidents.
Types Of Electrical Accidents. Safety And Prevention (2012). Electrical Accidents. Safety And Prevention. retrieved on February 24, 2012 from  www.safetymanagementgroup.co... - Estados Unidos

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