

Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary science that uses other sciences such as medicine work, physiology, sociology and anthropometry. The term is derived from the Greek ergo (work), nomos (laws of nature or knowledge or study). Literally work study. We can also define it as the study of the interaction of people with their activities, equipment, tools and the physical environment, designed to improve quality, productivity, safety and health in the workplace
 At the industry level we also find a definition of “systematic study of relationship between workers and workstation. By applying information about human characteristics (physical, mental, possibilities and limitations) to the design of workstations, seeking to adapt operators to ensure that operations are conducted with safety, comfort, without error, without undue fatigue and the result is a more effective and efficient.
In summary, the basic definitions and criteria indicated above can the following:
• Employers must ensure that workstations are adapted to the human characteristics of the worker and not the reverse.
• The ergonomics and remember we must consider individual differences and the ability of each person to suit the environment.
• Improving the ergonomics of work stations to improve the quality and productivity of the company since it decreases the errors in the process; in addition, workers perform their work more motivated, in a more pleasant and comfortable.
• The implementation of ergonomic principles also has a positive effect on health and safety of workers as it reduces the distractions that can cause accidents and they reduce musculoskeletal injuries, physical fatigue and mental.Inadequate ergonomic conditions can cause musculoskeletal injuries when humans abuse their capabilities in a particular activity or correct weaknesses in design work. The risk factor can be of two types: individual and occupational.
  At the individual level depends on each person’s capacity of tolerance and resistance to the different elements that can cause an accident or illness. In other words, these factors derived from organic functioning, habits or customs the people who would not be controlled or minimized, can affect their health and productivity at work. Some variables are: sex, weight, physical resilience and mental quality of life (food, exercise), age, height, heredity, injury or disability incurred in the current job or as well as in everyday life. Occupational levels there are factors that may affect the individual health in the medium and long term. Some situations are repetitive actions or movements, awkward body postures or deficient, body postures, static muscle force or overuse, direct pressure, risk factors in the workplace such as exposure to noise, vibration, extreme temperatures (hot or cold) , lighting, radiation, chemical, biological, and finally the organization of work
For control of risk factors is important to know and apply the Principles of Ergonomics

1. Keep everything at
2. Perform the work according to the correct height
3. Gripping the shape reduces the effort
4. Find the right posture for each work
5. Reduce excessive repetition
6. Minimize fatigue
7. Minimize direct pressure
8. Adjustment and change of position
9. Provide spaces and access
10. Maintain a comfortable working environment
11. Improve understanding of the signs, displays and controls
12. Improve the organization of workLikewise, criteria for prevention and control of ergonomic hazards at engineering and administrative
1. Modifications of the job
2. Getting different computer or modern tool change
3. Improved working conditions
4. Preventive maintenance for equipment, machinery and tools
5. Rotation of workers.
6. Increased frequency and length of breaks.
7. Training for all employees in different positions for proper rotation.
8. Improved techniques work.
9. Fitness for employees.
10. Limit-time workload.
11. Implementation of an ergonomics program
12. Analysis of the job.
13. Medical Management
14. Training and education.
Chávez Donoso S. (1999) Re Pensando la Seguridad como ventaja competitiva. Segunda edición Imprenta MYRG. San José Costa Rica.

By Guillermo Lopez

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