

It is said that "common sense is the least common of the senses." I attend this sentence because it is also said to be using risk analysis for a wide variety of situations and this unfortunately is too rare.
The design of facilities, equipment, tools and work places should go through a stage of risk analysis and the same applies to all activities where applicable industrial safety.
Accidents occur repeatedly if not identical are very similar. All-or-place many a poor risk analysis or incorrect assumptions and this is where common sense to play a role. Very few accidents in which no apology, one of which is precisely to have assumed that other people should have done or thought in situations of danger and risk associated with them.

What is risk analysis?
Is to examine carefully the conditions and actions involved in an activity to determine the dangers of it, the possibility of occurrence of accidents and as a goal, find ways to eliminate the risk or otherwise minimize it.

What are the results of risk analysis?
The result should not only be a number of recommendations both of the conditions and the possible actions of people in order to achieve the objective outlined above.

Risk analysis is then theory?
In no way should it be. Risk analysis must go beyond the simple role. In the end, the writing is not important in itself. Requires disclosure and knowledge of people to fulfill their function, and the disclosure is often a major failure.

Knowledge of risk analysis
The controller is also responsible for analysis and ensure disclose their knowledge, taking into account a fundamental premise: "Nothing should be taken for granted" or assume that something "obvious" because that is going to the common sense of people not know or not know how to react.

Teaching analyzed to avoid assumptions
A task in which we should all think about is teaching others to identify hazards. This is an exercise that will bear fruit over time improving the safety culture and facilitate the overall performance. Having identified these risks, we do risk analysis exercises in which other people can certainly understand and assess the likelihood of these hazards and thus end up in accidents, take appropriate measures to avoid them.

Risky analysis.(2012). Probabilistic risk assessment. retrieved on February 24, 2012 from Probabilistic risk assessment - Risk analysis (business) - Food safety risk analysis en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_analysisEn caché - Similares 

 By Rosario Brenes

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