

All work implies, for the person involved, a set of physical and psychological requirements, the former are called and the second physical load, mental load. Both physical and mental load are a function of various observable characteristics of the job characteristics that are risk factors associated with the work.

Psychosocial risk factors constitute one of the issues that require more thought in modern times, considering the consequences of economic globalization and accelerating the transformation of production processes and the current trend towards the actualization of labor, characterized primarily with the extension of the days, no breaks recovery sacrifice of vacation periods and poor working conditions. Must be understood as any condition that man experiences as it relates to its surroundings and the society around him, so does not constitute a risk but so far that it becomes harmful to the welfare the individual or when unbalanced relationship with the work or the environment
  Every day, there are many manifestations of fatigue, impaired health, absenteeism and desmotivation product of the demands of society, and especially with regard to the workplace, subject to constant changes in the organization and arising from work, has facilitated the dissemination and popularization of a term that, in a generic way stress is defined. The lack of fit between the person and the environment can lead to various types of responses in subjects. On a psychological level, may involve job dissatisfaction, anxiety, or insomnia complaints. On a physiological level, may involve high blood pressure or increased cholesterol levels and behavior may involve increases in behavior related to smoking, eating, drinking or more visits to the doctor. Rather a good fit will have positive results in relation to the welfare and personal development.

The following are major psychosocial stressors at work will depend on the appreciation that person makes of the situation, vulnerability to stress and individual characteristics, and individual coping strategies, group and organizational.

By Guillermo Lopez

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